David Whitlock

David Whitlock


David has a BS degree in Psychology and Management from BYU. These fields of study have helped him to truly understand people along with operating all aspects of business. He is the kind owner and operator of One You Love Homecare for Utah and Salt Lake Counties. David brings over 30 years of experience and successful growth in both corporate roles and small business ownership. As a Personnel Manager of 250 employees, he learned to value each employee individually. As GM of a small business, he quickly realized that it was the people that mattered most. His success was going to be their success. He helped and developed employees to reach their full potential and provided the fun and natural growth from 7 to 50 well beloved employees. The next role found David creating a stable work environment for 54 manufacturing employees. He truly fostered this corporation’s growth and success, now for 150 employees and stability for their families. He loves having positive impact on his clients and employees.

During David’s tenure in corporate roles, he had a most palpable experience providing care and watching personal caregivers provide comfort, love and attention for both of his parents in their declining years. It was at this time he joined on with an Assisted Living Center and become the Assistant Administrator. His parents passed away, but that role and these experiences ignited a desire to blend his love of caring for people and operating a business into one. With One You Love Home Care he enjoys doing something in his community that impacts change and incorporates love for others.